Aku hampir habis membaca buku pasal Kuching. Seriously, the content of
this book is very good. Aku boleh cadangkan buku ini untuk di jadikan
bahan bacaan, especially for those who are interested in Kuching
There are few facts in the book that really caught my
intention. First of all, I did wonder where the name Pangkalan Sapi came
from. It was stated here in the book on page 29; the name came from as a
reminder that there were used to be a farm, a private dairy farm called
Astana Farm which supplied the European officers and civilians as it
was quoted in the book, fresh milks. And occasionally it supplied the
European & the Muslims beef from old or indisposed cattle. Pangkalan
Sapi was actually the cattle’s watering spot where nowadays the tambang
load and unload their fares.
Another one that really caught my
attentions was the origin of the Malays elite. Before this I never knew
that Merpati Jepang was actually a name of the son of Datu Merpati, whom
married to the eldest daughter of Raja Jarom of Johore, Datu
Permaisuri. Merpati Jepang then married to Dayang Murdiah, and all the
datu had claimed that they were from Merpati Jepang lineage regal
geneology. Surprised surprised.
The name of the kampong such as
Kampong Gersik, Kampong Surubaya and Kampong Boyan were named after
their places of origin or their leaders.
Nama buku?